You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Maintenance > Transaction History

Transaction History

This screen enables you to see the movements in and out of a part number for a selected period. It can be restricted to a transaction type and / or specific warehouse for a specified date range. The report Inventory Quantity As At under Inventory Reports can be used to print off hard copy of the movements.

Field Description
Starting Transaction Date Prompts to the current login date - change as needed
Ending Transaction Date Prompts to the current login date - change as needed
Transaction Type This field can filter the transaction details displayed. Once the three search criteria have been selected, click 'GO' to upload the search results.
Date Date of the transaction
Description Description of the transaction including the name of the supplier or customer as well as the transaction type
Reference The reference number of the transaction
Quantity The quantity on the transaction i.e. a negative value relates to goods sold or consumed or written off. A positive value indicates stock received, credited, written on or built
Unit Cost The unit cost of the inventory item
Unit Sale Value The unit sale value of the inventory item on sales orders or credit notes
Logical Warehouse The logical warehouse of the transaction
Physical Warehouse The physical warehouse of each transaction
Transaction Type Displays the type of transaction that impacted the stock
Specific Warehouse Tick this box if the search is to be limited to one warehouse only
Total The current net movement for the period and transactions selected a

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